Qismat is a poignant love story set against the backdrop of Punjab, focusing on the complexities of love, fate, and the choices we make. The film revolves around Shivjit (played by Ammy Virk), a carefree young man who moves from his village to Chandigarh for higher studies. He is sent to the city by his father, who hopes Shivjit will focus on his education and keep away from the distractions of the village.
In Chandigarh, Shivjit meets Bani (played by Sargun Mehta), a beautiful and vibrant girl who lives in the same locality. Despite her playful and teasing nature, Bani is already in a committed relationship with another man. Shivjit, initially unaware of this, falls for her charm and develops feelings for her. Bani, on the other hand, enjoys Shivjit’s company but is devoted to her boyfriend, Karan.
As Shivjit continues to pursue Bani, he is heartbroken to discover that she is in love with someone else. Despite the emotional turmoil, he values their friendship and decides to stay by her side as a friend. Their bond deepens, and they become close companions, sharing a warm, platonic relationship.
Qismat Punjabi Movie Information
Category | Details |
Movie Name | Qismat |
Genres | Romantic, Drama |
Release Date | September 21, 2018 |
Director | Jagdeep Sidhu |
Produced by | Shri Narotam Ji Productions, Zee Studios |
Cinematography | Jalesh Oberoi |
Writer | Jagdeep Sidhu |
Music | B Praak, Sukh-E Muzical Doctorz |
Cast | Ammy Virk, Sargun Mehta, Guggu Gill, Tania, Hardeep Gill, Satwant Kaur |
Country | India |
Language | Punjabi |
More About Qismat Punjabi Movie
However, fate has other plans. Bani’s relationship with Karan takes a tragic turn, leading to her breakup. Devastated, Bani turns to Shivjit for emotional support. As she navigates through her heartbreak, she starts developing feelings for Shivjit, realizing that he has always been there for her, offering unconditional love and support.
Just as their relationship seems to be blossoming into love, another twist of fate occurs. Bani is diagnosed with a serious illness, which shatters Shivjit. Determined to make the most of their time together, Shivjit stays by her side, supporting her through her treatment and cherishing every moment they have.
The film beautifully explores the themes of love, destiny, and the unpredictability of life. It delves into how love can blossom in unexpected places and how sometimes, the person who was meant for you has been there all along. Qismat also portrays the pain of losing a loved one and the strength it takes to move on, carrying their memories in your heart.
Bani’s illness becomes the catalyst for their relationship, bringing them closer than ever before. As they face the inevitable, Shivjit and Bani’s love story becomes a testament to the enduring power of love, even in the face of life’s harshest realities.
Qismat ends on a bittersweet note, reminding the audience that while we cannot control fate, we can choose how we live our lives and how we love those around us. The movie leaves a lasting impression with its emotional depth, powerful performances, and memorable music, making it a standout in Punjabi cinema.